by | Oct 8, 2019 | Blog, Fun, Health
Well, well, well…Challenge No. 5 – Fruits from our CHALLENGE 21 list is now done and dusted! Yay! The goal was to familiarize me (Laura) with the taste of 21 different fruits … I can tell you now, that I managed to eat even more than 21! I must say...
by | Sep 25, 2019 | Blog, Education, Fun, Health, Travel
Do you like to push yourself to the next level? Do you like challenges? We do, and that’s why we want to introduce you to our CHALLENGE 21! Having a child is already a big challenge, but having a child with Trisomy 21 is massive and very, very challenging! However, as...
by trysomeadm | May 28, 2019 | Blog
My dad gets back to work today after the paternity leave, so I stay with my mum. You know, it’s the first day since we left the hospital that I’m one-on-one with my mum??! Daddy picks us up in the early afternoon as I have an audiology appointment. I didn’t tell you,...
by trysomeadm | May 28, 2019 | Blog
Today my parents go to get me a new buggy. I mean ‘new’, new to me, but still second hand…but I don’t mind. As long as its comfy enough and with slightly better suspension system than my current one I’m happy. So, we leave early in the morning, as its very hot day...